Don't Tell Anne Marie!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

2006: More Ellen stuff, and odds and ends

I got a lot of very nice comments on the 2005 postings, particularly on the Emmaus piece. In fact, this blog got many more hits than the Christmas blog, even though the Christmas blog was listed on our Christmas cards and this one was only a link-through. I don't have the sitemeter set to tell me how or why visitors get here, but I suspect the word "Emmaus" in some combination with other words shows up on search engines and generates the hits. Most of the site visits are just a few seconds long, which leads me to believe that some word search generates the hit, and as soon as the viewer sees what's here, he/she moves on. Each site visit moves the site up in the eyes of the search engines, so it becomes a bit of a vicious circle. But I suspect it's the Emmaus piece, somehow, that gets them here. (not that this is my most popular blog, by any stretch; that's my work blog.)

I'm reminded of that because today (3/2/06 - happy birthday Texas, Sam Houston, and Greg!) I caught a link to this piece by a blogger with a brain-damaged son, and it got me thinking. One thing is certainly true: no matter how bad you think you've got it, like the dudes in this video, someone out there has it worse. Triumphs occur, though, if you muddle through.

(hmm, I hope these links stay good. . . .)

2006 looks to be an interesting year. Upcoming blog-worthy stuff includes a spring break trip to California in a couple of weeks, including some time in Orange County and some time in Mammoth (I'm already trying to brainwash Ellen into knowing that she'll be able to ski just like she can ride a bike), as well as a dads-and-kids camping/kayaking trip with Gina and Ellen (hoping for some rain so there will actually be kayaking!) at Colorado Bend State Park with the Littles and Rivases. This fall, Gina will start her last year (8) at St. Pats, and Mary will start her first (K). We'll be in green plaid for a while.

My plan is to blog the spring break trip, but we'll see how that turns out. As always, more to come.