Don't Tell Anne Marie!

Saturday, December 04, 2004

November 17:

We have moved. Our new address is 9315 Timberhollow Circle, Dallas, Tx 75231. Phone number stays the same (214-343-2481). We've also upgraded to high-speed internet, so we also have a new email address: (replace the "-at-" with @; it's written like that to keep email address robots from spamming us).

We completed the move the first weekend of November, and closed on the sale of our old house the following Friday. The move went fairly smoothly, despite the doubts of some of the movers that we would actually be packed in time. As far as I know, nothing broke, and we only had to take one piece of furniture completely apart to get it upstairs. We've spent the next 2 weeks unpacking, hanging pictures, and having Anne Marie's decorator Becky go crazy. Fortunately, so far there's been very little in the way of "new" decorations. Anne Marie and Becky have been able to use lots of what we already had (of course, one could come to the conclusion that maybe we had too much junk to start with . . .), and other than drapes, I may be able to get out of this redecoration without too much bloodshed. I'm getting a few fun things myself for the new digs, including the aforementioned DSL as well as satellite TV. We'll also need one more TV, but I'm torn on what to get: big screen, flat panel, high definition, so many choices. Of course, whatever I get, I'll have to clear it with the decorating police, which will almost certainly be rain on my technology parade.

Our last Halloween in the old neighborhood was fun, if a little sad.

Next up: Thanksgiving. Unlike every other year since we moved to Dallas 10 years ago, we're not going to Houston. My sisters Leanne and Colleen (plus family) will be here, as will Anne Marie's mom. Anne Marie will have to remember how to cook a turkey. . . .

Those won't be our first visitors, however. The UD reunion was in Dallas in October, and we hosted several visitors from out of town. Thursday before the reunion, Martin Fee stayed at our Robin Meadow house; Friday and Saturday we had the Sicas at Robin Meadow and the Merkls at Timberhollow. We've also had Anne Marie's mother and her parish priest at Timberhollow a few times before we moved in.

After Thanksgiving (actually starting the day after Thanksgiving), we'll be putting up the Christmas decorations. Our new street has 14 homes, and each decorates as one of the 12 days of Christmas (the first and last houses at the entrance to the street are "welcome to" and "goodbye" displays). Appropriately, we are the "3 French hens." If you're touring Lake Highlands looking at Christmas lights, feel free to stop in for cookies and hot chocolate. We'll be stocking up. And hopefully by then, we'll have all* our pictures hung.

*"all" is a relative term.

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